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       From a Dream to Reality...       

Since 2009


      Zanovia began her natural hair journey in the fall of 2009. She was in search of being healthier inside and out. After just giving birth to her daughter,Zoe, she wanted to ensure that her child would embrace her natural curls and be proud of her own hair. So, she scheduled her big chop in October of 2010 and thus began her natural journey.


       Like many new natural ladies, the journey included trying various products only to have a cabinet full of half used jars and wasted money. She began researching some of the consistent ingredients in the products she was using, asking other naturalistas and watching videos on YouTube.


      Products ranged from the cheapest to the most expensive but all in all, she needed something different. While researching, she decided to use some of the main ingredients she’d heard repeated over and over again in a special combination. What she found in her creation of Grace, was that it was great for her hair and skin, not to mention all the ingredients were natural.


       The turning point…she gave her sister, one of her toughest

critics, a sample of her newly acquired hair potion and by the next

day her sister stated, “Oooh, I really like this. How much is it? I

want some.” With that Zanovia knew she was on to something

great! Over the last 3 years, Zanovia passed out samples and sold

her moisturizer to family, friends and co-workers, all to be pleased

and very grateful for such a wonderful product.

Zanovia hopes that in this product you will find a solution for healthier  hair and skin, while knowing that all ingredients are natural,  organic and healing for you.

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